
Brian's brain, on Common Lisp, take 3

This is the last installment about the straight-forward implementation of Brian's Brain in which I'm going to try to squeeze some more performance out of the brute-force implementation (you should get familiar with first and second post to get the full picture). The point of the article is not about how fast I can get it, but rather about what performance defference can be achieved using "simple" performance tweaking measures.

As any good programmer will tell you – optimizing without profiling first is a waste of time. To profile my code I will use SBCL's statistical profiler. It is called statistical because of the way it works: interrupting the running program at regular intervals and looking what code is running at that moment.

To get the idea of where the time is spent in my program I'll do a single simulation from our benchmark (with an increased iteration count to get more correct statistics):

 1:  CL-USER> (sb-sprof:with-profiling (:report :flat :loop nil)
 2:             (simulate 4096 (make-initialised-brain 128 128) 128 128))
 4:  Number of samples:   4426
 5:  Sample interval:     0.01 seconds
 6:  Total sampling time: 44.26 seconds
 7:  Number of cycles:    0
 8:  Sampled threads:
 9:   #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "initial thread" RUNNING {10029559D1}>
11:             Self        Total        Cumul
12:    Nr  Count     %  Count     %  Count     %    Calls  Function
13:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
14:     1   1401  31.7   1401  31.7   1401  31.7        -  "foreign function sigprocmask"
15:     2   1000  22.6   1737  39.2   2401  54.2        -  NEIGHBOURS
16:     3    552  12.5   1056  23.9   2953  66.7        -  COUNT
17:     4    200   4.5    200   4.5   3153  71.2        -  SB-IMPL::OPTIMIZED-DATA-VECTOR-REF
18:     5    179   4.0    179   4.0   3332  75.3        -  SB-KERNEL:HAIRY-DATA-VECTOR-REF/CHECK-BOUNDS
19:     6    173   3.9    173   3.9   3505  79.2        -  SB-VM::GENERIC-+
20:     7    145   3.3    247   5.6   3650  82.5        -  (LAMBDA (SB-IMPL::X))
21:     8    143   3.2    143   3.2   3793  85.7        -  TRUNCATE
22:     9    128   2.9    128   2.9   3921  88.6        -  SB-KERNEL:%COERCE-CALLABLE-TO-FUN
23:    10    116   2.6    139   3.1   4037  91.2        -  LENGTH
24:    11     80   1.8     80   1.8   4117  93.0        -  EQL
25:    12     67   1.5   2970  67.1   4184  94.5        -  EVOLVE
26:    13     51   1.2     51   1.2   4235  95.7        -  (FLET LT)
27:    14     42   0.9     42   0.9   4277  96.6        -  (FLET RT)
28:    15     41   0.9     41   0.9   4318  97.6        -  SB-KERNEL:SEQUENCEP
29:    16     30   0.7     34   0.8   4348  98.2        -  NTHCDR
30:    17     27   0.6   1076  24.3   4375  98.8        -  RULES
31:    18     22   0.5     22   0.5   4397  99.3        -  (FLET #:CLEANUP-FUN-[CALL-WITH-SYSTEM-MUTEX/WITHOUT-GCING]146)
32:    19     17   0.4     17   0.4   4414  99.7        -  "foreign function mach_msg_server"
33:    20     11   0.2     11   0.2   4425 100.0        -  (FLET SB-IMPL::FAST-NTHCDR)
34:    21      1  0.02      1  0.02   4426 100.0        -  (FLET #:CLEANUP-FUN-[INVOKE-INTERRUPTION]41)
35:    22      0   0.0   2973  67.2   4426 100.0        -  SIMULATE
36:  ...

Ignoring the first entry related to sigprocmask (because that's sure some implementation detail related to GC, profiling itself, or something else I should not bother with) we can see our top candidates for optimization:

  • neighbours – as expected, this is the function called most frequently (for every cell at every simulation iteration).
  • count – standard Common Lisp function (called with the results of neighbours to count the number of on cells).
  • Some implementation-specific functions dealing with vectors. One of these functions contains a word "hairy" which I think means that SBCL could use some hints. Declaring the cells array type should hopefully get rid of these. Also should help with calls to length seen a few rows below.
  • sb-vm::generic-+ – most probably from neighbours function. The name implies that the generic version of + function (addition) is used, instead of using fixnum specific one.
  • eql – might be from call to count in rules function, being the default :test function.
  • (flet lt) and (flet rt) – these are from within neighbours. I'm pretty sure they are counted in one of the columns in neighbours row.

The optimization plan now is simple1:

  1. Declare the type of cells array.
  2. Optimize neighbours function.
  3. Sprinkle some more declarations as needed.

The first step is easy – all I have to do is add the following declaration to uses of cells array, which tells the compiler that the array is one-dimensional (undefined length) and its elements are of type (integer 0 2) (integers from 0 to 2):

(declare (type (simple-array (integer 0 2) (*)) cells))

OK, might as well make it a bit more generic (although just for the sake of example; the program is too short to make this worthwhile). Two types are introduced as "aliases" (that is, upon seeing one of these the compiler will expand them to corresponding types in the definition; a lot more complicated type declarations are possible):

1:  (deftype cell () '(integer 0 2))
2:  (deftype brain () '(simple-array cell (*)))

One important thing I should note here is that type declarations are optional in Common Lisp and the compiler is allowed to ignore them altogether. But they still provide a structured way to document code and all implementations I'm familiar with will use the declarations, if provided.

There are two extreme cases in type-checking:

  1. Everything is checked and declarations are ignored.
  2. Declarations are trusted and no type-checking is done.

In Common Lisp there is a way to instruct the compiler how to operate: generate safe (but due to checking usually relatively slow) or unsafe (probably fast due to the absence of checks) code. There are two settings (optimization qualities) to directlyl control this behavior: speed and safety. These settings can take values from 0 to 3 (zero being the "unimportant" value, 3 being "very important"). optimize declaration identifier is used to specify these qualities, like this:

(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))

Specifying that speed is very important will also make some compilers (including SBCL) to be very chatty about why it cannot optimize particular parts of the code. Other implementations have specific declarations to make the compiler output optimization such notes.

Since I'll be experimenting with different optimization settings I'm going to specify them once for the whole file. It can be done with the following form at the beggining of the file:

(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)))

Such optimization declarations can also be added on a per-function basis (or even for a specific form within a function), and is actually what is being done in day-to-day programming to optimize only the speed-critical sections of code.

And by the way – never, never ever run code with safety 0 (unless you know what you are doing, which practically is never). But since this is a toy program anyway, might as well try doing it to see what performance impact does it have.

Here are the neighbours and evolve functions with added array declarations:

 1:  (defun neighbours (cells i w h)
 2:    (declare (type brain cells))
 3:    (let ((l (length cells))
 4:          (mx (1- w))
 5:          (my (1- h)))
 6:      (multiple-value-bind (y x)
 7:          (truncate i w)
 8:        (flet ((up (i) (if (zerop y) (- (+ i l) w) (- i w)))
 9:               (dn (i) (if (= y  my) (- (+ i w) l) (+ i w)))
10:               (lt (i) (if (zerop x) (1- (+ i w))  (1- i)))
11:               (rt (i) (if (= x  mx) (1+ (- i w))  (1+ i))))
12:          (let* ((u (up i))
13:                 (d (dn i))
14:                 (l (lt i))
15:                 (r (rt i))
16:                 (ul (lt u))
17:                 (ur (rt u))
18:                 (dl (lt d))
19:                 (dr (rt d)))
20:            (mapcar (lambda (i) (aref cells i))
21:                    (list ul u ur l r dl d dr)))))))
23:  (defun evolve (src w h)
24:    (declare (type brain src))
25:    (let* ((l (length src))
26:           (dst (make-brain w h)))
27:      (declare (type brain dst))
28:      (loop for i below l
29:         do (setf (aref dst i)
30:                  (rules (aref src i) (neighbours src i w h))))
31:      dst))

Compiling these produces a lot of complaints from the compiler. Some of the notes from the neighbours function look like this:

 2:  ;     (ZEROP X)
 3:  ; ==>
 4:  ;   (= X 0)
 5:  ; 
 6:  ; note: unable to
 7:  ;   open-code FLOAT to RATIONAL comparison
 8:  ; due to type uncertainty:
 9:  ;   The first argument is a REAL, not a FLOAT.
10:  ; 
11:  ; note: unable to open code because: The operands might not be the same type.
13:  ;     (+ I W)
14:  ; 
15:  ; note: unable to
16:  ;   optimize
17:  ; due to type uncertainty:
18:  ;   The first argument is a REAL, not a RATIONAL.
19:  ;   The second argument is a NUMBER, not a FLOAT.
20:  ; 
21:  ; note: unable to
22:  ;   optimize
23:  ; due to type uncertainty:
24:  ;   The first argument is a REAL, not a FLOAT.
25:  ;   The second argument is a NUMBER, not a RATIONAL.
26:  ; 
27:  ; note: unable to
28:  ;   optimize
29:  ; due to type uncertainty:
30:  ;   The first argument is a REAL, not a SINGLE-FLOAT.
31:  ;   The second argument is a NUMBER, not a DOUBLE-FLOAT.
32:  ; 
33:  ; note: unable to
34:  ;   optimize
35:  ; due to type uncertainty:
36:  ;   The first argument is a REAL, not a DOUBLE-FLOAT.
37:  ;   The second argument is a NUMBER, not a SINGLE-FLOAT.
38:  ...

Profiling the code now shows that I've got rid of the two vector-ref functions. But there is still a bit of work to do on neighbours function with all the noise compiler generates. First I'll declare the types of parameters (and show only the relevant forms here):

1:  (deftype array-index () `(integer 0 ,array-dimension-limit))
3:  (declare (type brain cells)
4:           (type array-index i)
5:           (type fixnum w h))

A note on the array-index type: the actual integer range depends on the value of array-dimension-limit, which is implementation dependent (but usually is between 224 and most-positive-fixnum).

Now compiling neighbours function emits quite a short list of compiler notes:

 2:  ;     (LIST UL U UR L R DL D DR)
 3:  ; 
 4:  ; note: doing signed word to integer coercion (cost 20)
 5:  ; 
 6:  ; note: doing signed word to integer coercion (cost 20)
 8:  ;     (FLET ((UP (I)
 9:  ;              (IF (ZEROP Y)
10:  ;                  (- # W)
11:  ;                  (- I W)))
12:  ;            (DN (I)
13:  ;              (IF (= Y MY)
14:  ;                  (- # L)
15:  ;                  (+ I W)))
16:  ;            (LT (I)
17:  ;              (IF (ZEROP X)
18:  ;                  (1- #)
19:  ;                  (1- I)))
20:  ;            (RT (I)
21:  ;              (IF (= X MX)
22:  ;                  (1+ #)
23:  ;                  (1+ I))))
24:  ;       (LET* ((U (UP I))
25:  ;              (D (DN I))
26:  ;              (L (LT I))
27:  ;              (R (RT I))
28:  ;              (UL (LT U))
29:  ;              (UR (RT U))
30:  ;              (DL (LT D))
31:  ;              (DR (RT D)))
32:  ;         (MAPCAR (LAMBDA (I) (AREF CELLS I)) (LIST UL U UR L R DL D DR))))
33:  ; 
34:  ; note: doing signed word to integer coercion (cost 20) to "<return value>"
35:  ; 
36:  ; note: doing signed word to integer coercion (cost 20) to "<return value>"
37:  ; 
38:  ; compilation unit finished
39:  ;   printed 4 notes

The two offending forms are flet and list. One solution now would be to maybe declare types of all the eight cells in let* form. But is there anything about this code that bothers you? You see, lists in Common Lisp can hold any kind of values, and making a list takes time and memory. And this code actually creates two lists (one with the cell indices, and the one created by mapcar function). So telling the compiler that the things that are stuffed into those lists are in fact numbers does not make much sense (or performance difference) because the lists are still being created and traversed.

So, in the name of optimization I'll go on and do what has to be done: make a single array for neighbours calculation and update it on each call. Here's the ugly-but-supposedly-fast version:

 1:  (deftype neighbours () '(simple-array cell (8)))
 3:  (defun neighbours (cells i w h)
 4:    (declare (type brain cells)
 5:             (type array-index i)
 6:             (type fixnum w h))
 7:    (let ((result (the neighbours (load-time-value (make-array 8 :element-type 'cell))))
 8:          (l (length cells))
 9:          (mx (1- w))
10:          (my (1- h)))
11:      (multiple-value-bind (y x)
12:          (truncate i w)
13:        (flet ((up (i) (if (zerop y) (- (+ i l) w) (- i w)))
14:               (dn (i) (if (= y  my) (- (+ i w) l) (+ i w)))
15:               (lt (i) (if (zerop x) (1- (+ i w))  (1- i)))
16:               (rt (i) (if (= x  mx) (1+ (- i w))  (1+ i))))
17:          (let* ((u (up i))
18:                 (d (dn i))
19:                 (l (lt i))
20:                 (r (rt i))
21:                 (ul (lt u))
22:                 (ur (rt u))
23:                 (dl (lt d))
24:                 (dr (rt d)))
25:            (setf (aref result 0) (aref cells ul)
26:                  (aref result 1) (aref cells u)
27:                  (aref result 2) (aref cells ur)
28:                  (aref result 3) (aref cells l)
29:                  (aref result 4) (aref cells r)
30:                  (aref result 5) (aref cells dl)
31:                  (aref result 6) (aref cells d)
32:                  (aref result 7) (aref cells dr))
33:            result)))))

First I define a new type that describes the neighbours array (known to be 8 elements long at compile time). In the function itself a new binding is introduced: result. There are two interesting things about this binding:

  • The value is created only once – when the code is loaded (in this case the behaviour is similar to static variables in C and some other languages).
  • The type of array is declared (using the form) because the value is only known at load time (as opposed to compile time). Theoretically I'd expect the compiler to figure this out by itself, but generally any code can be given to load-time-value so the compiler apparently is not even trying to figure anything out.

So there, compiling neighbours function now gives no warnings and is as ugly as if it was written in C. And since this function now returns an array, this information can now be added to rules function:

1:  (defun rules (state neighbours)
2:    (declare (type cell state)
3:             (type neighbours neighbours))
4:    (case state
5:      (1 2)
6:      (2 0)
7:      (t (if (= 2 (count 1 neighbours)) 1 0))))

Benchmarking now gives numbers around 11 seconds for each simulation run (i.e., the code runs almost two times faster than before). The top of the profiler output now looks like this:

 1:             Self        Total        Cumul
 2:    Nr  Count     %  Count     %  Count     %    Calls  Function
 3:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 4:     1    466  24.7    527  27.9    466  24.7        -  NEIGHBOURS
 5:     2    376  19.9   1152  61.0    842  44.6        -  COUNT
 6:     3    194  10.3    194  10.3   1036  54.8        -  SB-IMPL::OPTIMIZED-DATA-VECTOR-REF
 7:     4    141   7.5    238  12.6   1177  62.3        -  (LAMBDA (SB-IMPL::X))
 8:     5    136   7.2    136   7.2   1313  69.5        -  SB-KERNEL:HAIRY-DATA-VECTOR-REF/CHECK-BOUNDS
 9:     6    127   6.7    127   6.7   1440  76.2        -  SB-KERNEL:%COERCE-CALLABLE-TO-FUN
10:     7    110   5.8    118   6.2   1550  82.1        -  EQL
11:     8     86   4.6     86   4.6   1636  86.6        -  "foreign function sigprocmask"
12:     9     84   4.4   1800  95.3   1720  91.1        -  EVOLVE
13:  ...

A few notable things:

  • I think I'm starting to understand the second column2. That would explain why evolve has 95% and other entries less. If so, then count takes about twice the time of neighbours.
  • The vector-ref friends are back! Since neighbours only sets array values, it sure looks like count has dragged these into the picture.

Anyway, I have not done much lisp code profiling (and performance tuning for that matter) so I'll do a little experiment here: write my own function to count live neighbour count:

1:  (defun rules (state neighbours)
2:    (declare (type cell state)
3:             (type neighbours neighbours))
4:    (case state
5:      (1 2)
6:      (2 0)
7:      (t (if (= 2 (loop for x across neighbours counting (= 1 x))) 1 0))))

There is one compiler note for this loop – the count accumulation variable is checked for fixnum overflow. I'll leave it at that, wrap things up and call this my final version.

Here are the timings (with safety optimization setting of 1 and 0):




To be honest, I did not expect getting rid of count to make such a big difference. I may only hope that this example will let implementation developers make the compiler better!

The detailed timings can be seen in transcripts (below), but generally they are:

  • 3.9s / 3s for SBCL.
  • 8.5s / 6.9s for Clozure CL (32-bit).
  • 6s / 5.5s for Clozure CL (64-bit).

I'm pretty sure it is possible to squeeze out some more performance out of this. I actually think that this kind of low-level optimisation is an art in itself, and I'm not very good at it. That is why I will leave this topic for now. But readers are welcome to contribute using comments or better yet – writing about it in their own blogs.


1 A comment from pkhuong on #lisp IRC channel on approaching optimization (after reading a draft version of this article):

"Only NEIGHBOURS shows up fairly high in the list. However, before working on it directly, I'd attack what I consider noise: COUNT, TRUNCATE, LENGTH and EQL shouldn't be called out of line. *-DATA-VECTOR-REF and GENERIC-+ shouldn't have to be called either. Inserting type declarations and asking for speed optimization where appropriate in order to eliminate these entries should be the first step. As it is, the profile is mostly telling you that you're doing it wrong if you really want execution speed.

Only then, with the noise eliminated, would it be time to work on the program itself, from a new profile (with the declarations and with speed optimization where needed) that may be radically different from the one above."

2 Another comment from pkhuong, this time about the columns in profiler output (confirming my understanding of the "total" column):

"Count" columns count samples, "%" % of time (samples). Self is the amount/% of samples with the function at the right at the top of the call stack (directly executing), total is the amount/% of time with the function somewhere on the call stack (up to a certain depth). Cumul is the sum of Self values; I find it helpful to guesstimate where the repartition of self times tapers off into a long tail.

The cycle output (not shown here nor in the blog post) is extremely useful if you know that a lot of time is spent in a function, either directly or in total, but now what the callers or the callees are. You'll be able to find the function you're looking for, the most common (in terms of sample) callers and callee. With that information, you could decide how to make a certain callee faster (or special-case it for the slow function), change the way the function is used in the slow callers, special-case the function for the slow callers, etc. The cycle output is somewhat harder to read, but the format is the same as that by gprof, so you can look around for more resources.


  1. Hi Jānis,

    I'm not sure if you've seen my previous reply.

    I've optimized your code to be about 2x faster without using the following techniques you used here:

    1) integer representation of state (I use symbol)
    2) 1-d array (I use 2-d array)

    1) didn't make a lot difference in this micro benchmark. But it can save some memory.

    The benchmark (with safety 0) shows your code finished between 2.6s ~ 2.8s. And mine finished between 1.3s ~ 1.8s.

    By comparing source code and the assembly of your code and mine. It's likely the difference lies in fixnum tagging.

    The assembly of my rules and neighbours function is about half the size of yours and I've seen many SAR, SHR and SHL in yours. Otherwise it's quite similar.

    After doing the following changes, I managed to reduce the timing of your code to 1.9s.

    1) change type cell from (integer 0 2) to (unsigned-byte 8)
    2) inline rules and neighbours

    I have no idea how to make it better. And why my code is still faster than yours in small size benchmarks. But if you want to dig further, you can check my code:



  2. Hi Jianshi,

    I have explained why I use numbers instead of symbols to represent cells in my first article about Common Lisp implementation: "big" unspecialised arrays are extra work for GC. This might explain why your version gets slower in the "not small size" benchmarks (if you refer to brain size here).

    I assume the bit-munging instructions are related to arrays specialised to 2-bit numbers. But the speed difference between 2-bit and 8-bit versions is quite significant, definitely more than I expected. I'm glad you brought this one up!

    Inlining is a bit dangerous beast, though – I would not suggest people to use it until they know what they are doing. But maybe I should have at least mentioned it in the article...

    Thank you for your suggestions!

  3. Hi Jānis,

    1) Unspecialised arrays may stress GC only if the elements are independent objects. But using symbol they refer to the same object.(totally 3 of them, :on, :dying and :off) I suppose the slowdown comes from cache misses (each element is a pointer to the symbol, which is 64bit here).

    2) You are right, the specialization is responsible for the shifting.

    On my machine (SBCL 64bit, Ubuntu Linux x8664), the array element is specialized to (unsigned-byte 4).

    CL-USER> (make-array 1 :element-type '(integer 0 2))
    CL-USER> (type-of *)


  4. I'll clarify the GC issue if the wording in the first article is not very clear.

    You are right that there are only 3 possible values for each element of the cells array. But since the array is not specialised those elements can be any Common Lisp value. Each time the GC encounters such an array it must be traversed completely. This is not the case with specialised arrays because the contain the values directly, not pointers to them, and thus the GC can see immediately upon encountering such an array that it must not be scanned at all.

    It does not matter much for small arrays because the whole array most probably becomes garbage before the next GC kicks in. The bigger the arrays become the larger the chance that GC will encounter them (because they are processed longer) and thus the chance of having to scan the array increases. And the amount of scanning increases proportionally to the size of array.

  5. Ok, the GC behavior is understood. You are right, it makes scanning longer and explains the slowdown.

    Thanks for the explanation and I'm sorry for not having looked at the GC time carefully.

